Greenware Press is Meredith R. Winer’s imprint. But there’s more to this web site than letterpress prints and posters. More than artists’ books, too. There are examples of my printmaking (posters, broadsides etc.), as well as drawings, ceramic work, and other things I’ve made (written, helped produce, recorded, published, etc). Enjoy.
And if you’d like to contact me, I can be reached at meredith@[my first name, middle initial, and last name as one word].com

For information about TRANSIT, the residency program I am starting, please check out http:/
Also check out Little Bang, a project done with my writing group, (I have an essay and illustration in the first edition). To hear the sound piece collaboration I’d done with Jen Thomas, click on the “multimedia” page and scroll to the bottom.
I worked with poet Cassandra Cleghorn and musician Erik Lawrence (both on faculty at Williams College, MA) on one of their collaborative projects, called MERGE. See for more about it. The broadside I created for them is now in Special Collections in Williams College’s Chapin Library.
Currently, some of my prints can also be viewed as part of the Chicago Publishers Gallery displayed in the lobby
of the Chicago Cultural Center
(78 E. Washington St, Chicago IL 60602 ).